The Lord is Risen! The Lord is Risen indeed! And what wonderful hope that gives us no matter what we face today!
Last night before bed I was checking my email and came across a prayer request from missionary friends asking for the healing of their son. Then this morning on FB I saw the request for prayers for the healing of a sister who just had a heart transplant.
Upon reflection on these prayer requests the Holy Spirit reminded me of something I read this morning in my quiet time in my "Daily Walk Bible" (See this post for more info). I ran across this devotional thought below connected to 2 Kings 3. I hope you all find it as challenging as I did.
It challenges me b/c so often I put God in a box, not expecting the miraculous and yet he loves to do this work!
"If a miracle is defined as "something so difficult that only God can do it," what area of your life is most in need of a miracle? And how does it compare with these "miracle stories"?
The Lord said to Abraham, "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" (Gen. 18:14). And Abraham fathered Isaac at age one hundred.
When Elisha told Joram and his thirsty troops that God was going to fill the valley with water, Elisha assured the king, "But this is only a simple thing for the Lord" (2 Kings 3:18). The next morning the waters came.
Jeremiah affirmed, "Nothing is too hard for you!" (Jer. 32:17). And God delivered his people from exile.
The angel told Mary, "Nothing is impossible with God" (Luke 1:37). And a virgin gave birth to the Savior.
What challenge in your life seems too big for anyone but God? Write your name by one of the stories above as testimony of confidence in God's ability to do the impossible in your life as well."
May we all pray boldly!! I know I have my prayer about you?

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