Friday, January 13, 2012

Fun with Legos on our Datenight

Cari and I decided to go back to our childhood tonight and build with Legos for our date-night activity. For Christmas, Cari got me the Creator 3 in 1 Lego Log Cabin which is AWESOME! The fun thing was she wrapped each bag of Legos separately so I had no idea what the overall set was until I unwrapped the directions ... very creative!

Here is what the box looks like

 Yes, that is our Christmas tree up in the background...we like to keep celebrating!

Since this was Cari's gift to me she let me do most of the building which meant she built random things on the side which were funny. Case in point...a random "staircase to the song by Pink Floyd. Oh, who knows that song!" said Cari
Seth: "Wrongo, it was actually Led Zeppelin!"
Cari: "Oh, whatever, close enough..."

Anyways, here is the final product!

It was a fun night, especially when Cari started getting loopy! She recently started working as a CNA at a local nursing home and had to work last night till 9pm and then again this morning starting at 5:45am so she was pretty tired. Funny quotes of the evening included:

Seth: Who is this singing this song on Pandora?
Cari: Your Mom!
Seth: Ha, ha...not about Adam Levine from Maroon 5
Cari: Oh, close enough


Seth: You really tired babe?
Cari: Yes, I'm bringing home bacon and pounding pavement

Well, as I read these they are really more funny in the moment than as you read them but you get the point. Hope you enjoyed your Friday night...we certainly did! And yes, we are 8 years old!

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