Author Proposes an 'Indie Bookstore Pledge'
The above link is for a great quote from an article found here which shares a wonderful idea to put into practice! I hope to do this with Byron Border and his bookstore Hearts and Minds in Dallastown, PA. Though they aren't in VA I can still support this wonderful indie bookstore by ordering through him rather than Amazon or CBD!
Here is a snippet from his website telling more about their store...
"Welcome to a bookstore which attempts to create a new space for serious, reflective readers. Unabashedly Christian, we are often told that we are different than most religious bookstores. Our name, we trust, gives a good first clue to what we are about.
What distinguishes us most is our enthusiasm for the development of a uniquely Christian worldview where Christ’s Lordship is honored and lived out in relevant ways in the midst of our highly secularized, post-modern culture. We offer quality books for the sake of faithful Christian living. We serve business folk, scientists, artists, college students, moms, dads (and kids!), pastors, poets and politicos. We believe Biblical faith leads to "thinking Christianly" about every area of life."
Happy ordering and happy reading and know you are making a difference!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Vacation in North Carolina
Before the Fall kicks in at UVA for my wife, and before things go into full-swing at church, we decided to take the pup and go away for a few days to the Montreat/Asheville area of NC. We had a lovely time despite the ER visit for our doggie. See below!
We walked into the Ten Thousand Villages store where we were met by a Golden Retriever named Wesley. The employees said they were a "dog-friendly" store (as supposedly 98% of Asheville is) and that Oakley was welcome to come inside. What followed is in this hilarious video. They loved each other. And the employees LOVED it as well. Mind you this is all happening INSIDE the store!
As we walked around Asheville we found this beautiful park and fountain, Oak loved it!
Our first hike in Montreat: up Lookout Mountain to the East Ridge Trail then to Old Tressel Road.
This is how Oakley usually looks in the back of our car, face towards the window as the air blows back his facial hair and eyebrows. Funny doggie!
After our Lookout Mountain hike we decided to go to Pisgah Brewing Company in Black Mountain. My wife kept Oakley company for a few minutes (above) while I did a tasting (below). The red colored beer was flavored with cherries and raspberries which wasn't my favorite but was a fun change. Their Mexican Lager and Blueberry Wheat were very tasty.
This is the beautiful welcome gate as you drive into Montreat, NC
We walked into the Ten Thousand Villages store where we were met by a Golden Retriever named Wesley. The employees said they were a "dog-friendly" store (as supposedly 98% of Asheville is) and that Oakley was welcome to come inside. What followed is in this hilarious video. They loved each other. And the employees LOVED it as well. Mind you this is all happening INSIDE the store!
As we walked around Asheville we found this beautiful park and fountain, Oak loved it!
We read some literature about this brewery in Sylva, NC nicknamed your "Gnometown Brewery" so we just had to visit. The Brewmaster, from Germany, loved dogs and so Oakley made a new friend; as did we! This is a great craft brewery and I highly recommend the Black Forest Stout, though all the beers were tasty. Ultimately, our time with Dieter made the trip. Check it out!
If it works, this is a video of us going up a TON of stairs at Chimney Rock State Park...where The Last of the Mohicans was filmed.
Atop Chimney Rock
Me and Oak atop Chimney Rock
A happy family!
In the Opera Box at Chimney Rock State Park. Can you tell this was my favorite hike/part of our trip!?
Another video of the breathtaking views at this park
My wife at Exclamation Point, the very top of the park.
Little did I know that when I sat down on this cursed rock/clump of grass there was a Copperhead Snake that lay hidden inside. Oakley, unfortunately, was being his curious self and nosed the grass and then immediately jumped did I. As I peered in I saw a coppery/brown colored snake and realized it was a Copperhead, yikes! Because Oakley didn't yelp and there was no blood we thought he just got spooked. So our merry-little hike continued until much later when we realized something was dreadfully wrong.
A view of Chimney Rock from Exclamation Point
The costume of "Hawkeye" aka Daniel Day Lewis in the film Last of the Mohicans which was filmed on site.
Since there were so many stairs, and because Oakley was getting pretty tired, I decided to carry him like a baby for over 200 stairs. 52.3 pounds gets VERY heavy! Little did we know that he was really starting to be impacted by the Copperhead venom.
By the time we got to the bottom we realized he was not right and called our Vet in VA. He told us to look for swelling and sure enough, after we got off the phone, we found all kinds of swelling even despite his long facial hair. The Lord was looking out for us and led us the way and we were so blessed! We got the right number and address of a nearby Animal Hospital that had anti-venom (most Vets don't carry it b/c it is so expensive and has a short shelf life) so we drove there about 40 minutes and were met by a wonderful staff and fabulous Christian Vet. If you are ever in Western North Carolina and need a Vet/Animal Hospital please check them out. They were fantastic!!
This is poor Oak, with his IV in his leg, in the ICU. I was SOOO scared and totally lost it in the Parking Lot and just cried for two hours. I didn't know how he was going to be. And I realized it could've been me who got bit. Oakley, literally, saved my life. Thanks buddy!!
The next day we received the good news that Oakley was going to be just fine so we celebrated with cupcakes at Hey Hey Cupcake in Black Mountain, NC. So goooood!
Our new great friends from the South told us about Zaxbys so we had to try this fast-food restaurant on our way home. *Notice my wife's t-shirt ... "Airedales Rule." Oakley certainly does!
Despite the crazy extra day with Oakley in the ER we had a WONDERFUL time and would love to go back to the Montreat/Black Mountain/Asheville area.
Visit with my Best Friend from College
A few weekends ago my best friend, and best man in our wedding, made the trip down from Boston to visit us for a weekend and we had a blast! Enjoy the pics!
This is a delicious donut shop in Cville where the donuts are made out of potato flour. They were soooo good, especially the blueberry ones straight out from the fryer. Yum!
You can't come to our neck of the woods without a visit to Monticello to see TJ's home. Here my buddy is kickin' it with Mr. Jefferson himself.
We took the opportunity to visit two new wineries and at this first one, Blenheim Vineyards owned by Dave Matthews, Oakley was allowed to have free reign of the tasting room. It was quite fun to have him in there, though a little distracting as he explored till his little heart was content. So fun! He was wonderful and they were VERY welcoming to dogs.
This is on the patio of the Trump Winery, owned by Donald Trump, and though Oakley wasn't allowed inside here we still had a great time.
Double rainbow after a storm in our neighborhood.
On top of Humpback Rocks
On Sunday we went to watch a Polo match at King Family Vineyards. The weather was lovely and the Rose wine was soooo good.
One of my regrets of living on the Northshore of Boston for 6+ years was that I never made it to a Polo match at the Myopia Hunt Club. So we didn't want to make that same mistake here in VA. It was so cool to see the players/horses up close after the game and to walk out onto the pitch/field and replace divots (sp?).
We had a great visit and look forward to the next one!!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Standing firm as a spokesperson of God

Photograph by Fritz von der Schulenburg found here
In our Daily Walk Bible readings we are marching through the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah and I have been thoroughly challenged and impressed with his obedience to proclaiming God's tough message of repentance or judgment. It got me thinking, could I do this?
Time and again, the Lord comes to Jeremiah with a message for him to declare and he faithfully carries through with the task. Many times his messages are accompanied by an object lesson that further illustrates God's point. We see Jeremiah use: a rotten loincloth (13:1-11), jars of wine (13:12-14), the rain (14:1-9) and maybe the most well known, the clay jars (19:1-13).
While giving these divine-messages Jeremiah is ridiculed and struggles with the rejection he receives. The New Living Translation reads like this in 17:15ff, "People scoff at me and say, 'What is this message from the Lord you talk about? Why don't your predictions come true?'"
What we read is a willing Prophet who is caught between faithfulness to God and an understandable desire to avoid pain and rejection. And who can blame him? He cries out, "Lord, I have not abandoned my job as a shepherd for your have heard everything I have said...but don't let me experience shame and dismay." And so he continues to proclaim the Lord's Word: honor the Sabbath day and keep it holy (17:19-27), "turn from your evil ways each of you, and do what is right" (18:11), and "I will bring disaster upon this city and its surrounding towns as I promised, because you have stubbornly refused to listen to me" (19:15).
Even after he was arrested, put in stocks and whipped (20:1-2) Jeremiah continues to pronounce the Word of the Lord. Yet we see his human vulnerability and emotional struggles, "these messages from the Lord have made me a household joke" (20:8). While he hates being mocked and laughed at (20:7), and while he knows rumors are flying (20:10), he stays true to God's call on his life. After all, "if I say I'll never mention the Lord or speak in his name, his word burns in my heart like a fire. It's like a fire in my bones!" (20:9)
Ultimately, Jeremiah knows and trusts that "the Lord stands beside me like a great warrior. Before him my persecutors will stumble" (20:11). No matter what we face, what a refreshing thought that this verse is still true today! What a blessing to remember that he will never leave us nor forsake us (Deut. 31:6, Heb. 13:5) and that he is with us always to the very end of the age (Mt. 28:20).
When we have the opportunity to share our faith, may we share it boldly for as Paul said in Rom. 10:15, quoting the prophet Isaiah, "how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
And when we face "the devil's schemes" and "rulers, authorities, and the powers of this dark world" may we "stand and stand firm then" and put on the full armor of God (Eph 6:10-19).
And when we find ourselves wanting "the approval of men" may we instead be found to "be a servant of Christ" instead (Gal. 1:10).
Like Jeremiah, may we stand firm in whatever the Lord brings across our path and may we be found to be a faithful spokesman or spokeswoman for the Lord. Amen!
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